Random files - 2014 |

George M1GEO448 viewsGeorge M1GEO wins the constructors cup 2014 with his homemade 28MHz-144MHz Transverter.

Operating site460 views

The operating site550 views

Alaska!466 views

Graham M0PAX operating 20m521 views

The Yagi & the Quad439 views

The 20m station510 views

The 15m operating position533 views
Last additions - 2014 |

George M1GEO448 viewsGeorge M1GEO wins the constructors cup 2014 with his homemade 28MHz-144MHz Transverter.Feb 16, 2015

The 15m station521 viewsOct 28, 2014

Antennas - 3 element for 20m, 2 element Quad for 15m514 viewsOct 28, 2014

The operating site550 viewsOct 28, 2014

The 15m operating position533 viewsOct 28, 2014

Operating 15m523 viewsOct 28, 2014

George's 3 element 20m Yagi476 viewsOct 28, 2014

The Yagi & the Quad439 viewsOct 28, 2014